Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm Just Thankful

I just love the Lord. It's in Him that I ". . . live and move and have [my] being." I can say with the Psalmist, "Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name." After reflecting upon Mother's Day this past Sunday, I started to think about the wonderful women that God has placed into my life. My mother has been one that I can go to for anything at all. After being away from home for a time, you start to realize that your family are the ones that really have your back. She has been a blessing to our whole family. She is the Proverbs 31 woman that will give to her family without complaining. My mother, Rhonda Justice, is a woman that may not ever be known to the world as a popular or awe-inspiring woman. However, she will be the most famous, faithful, loving, and caring person that her family will ever know. Thanks, Ma!

My mind also thinks about my grandmother, Faith Ann Richardson. What an example she has been in my life! Grandma has been a woman that is faithful to her family, but more importantly, to God. I have never witnessed my grandmother having a mean spirit about anything. She has been an influence to me and my ministry throughout my entire life. Her words have never been negative, but uplifting and encouraging. She made me believe that I could be anything in the world that I wanted to be. But, the emphasis was never on the person. It was always on the Lord. Whenever I see Faith Ann Richardson, I see one who has an "excellent spirit." Thanks for your faithfulness, Grandma!

Upon reflection, I also began to think about my Gran, Della Justice. My Gran passed away in 2004 from an unexpected accident. But, her legacy will live on through the lives of her children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. Gran had a key phrase that she would always say, "God is faithful." Why did she say it with such fervor? Because she had lived long enough to know that God was faithful in everything that He had promised to her. He was faithful from the time that she accepted Him as a child, up to today. Even though she is not on this earth anymore, I know that she would still say that, "He is faithful." I'm sure that she would say that God is more faithful now then He had ever been throughout her lifetime. Gran, I'll see you soon!

I'm thankful for a rich heritage. These three women have paved a way for my brother and I to follow. Now, it's up to us to stay true to that heritage. I'm thankful for where I am at in life. I genuinely feel that I'm right in the middle of the will of God. It's not because of anything I've done. It's because of everything that HE has done, many times through these women. I'm not very old, but the verse of this song has held true: "I've lived long enough to know that He is enough for me."

Be thankful today,

Rom. 8:2

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Logan, I loved your blog! We both have been blessed with very Godly women in our lives. I am also very thankful! Love You, Kate