Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Prayer........ What's that?!

Alright, lets be real. Taking time out of the day to talk to God is inconvenient. It's tough to do!.........or maybe I'm just talking to myself. :) So now you're probably thinking...."Great. Another guy telling me to talk to God."

Nope. That's up to you. However, I do have a couple of questions for you, dear Christian. Do you have problems? Do you ever feel alone? Do you feel like your family and friends don't care or understand? Does it sometimes feel like the stress and anxiety of life is about to bring you to your spiritual and physical knees? Does it feel like it always seems to be you against everybody else?

I hope you've said an emphatic "YES!" to at least one of these.

Promise me this. Start to talk to God. Pour your heart out to Him. Tell Him the things you cannot tell anyone else. He's a good God. He's a faithful God. When you feel like you can't take another step, PRAY. He will comfort you. Like an old evangelist once said, "If there's no power in the individual, there's no power in the prayer closet."

Pray for me as I pray for you,
Rom. 8:2

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