Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Church

"We don't get the church we want. We get the church we are."

It's been a while since I've posted anything, but this quote hit me today. Now, I know that us "Good Christians" have always heard that "the church is not a building. It's you!" I think that we've grown so weary of hearing this little phrase that we've lost its meaning. In a world where we think it's important to find a church we "like", keep in mind that we are the church. Seek God personally today. Even though the church is corporate, it is also personal. Even though you trendy Christians may think it's passé to talk to God while you're simply walking down the sidewalk, I feel that it's a missed opportunity if you aren't in continual connection with God. As a side note, there are many in my generation that want to knock the whole "shirt-and-tie Christian" while embracing the "Shorts-and-V-neck-t-shirt-Christian."

In other words---There may be some of us that need to lose our Converse Chucks and others may need to lay aside our cufflinks and pursue the God of the Universe.

"That I may know Him!"


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