Saturday, April 24, 2010

Stay True

Don't compromise. Don't quit. Stay true.

In a world that is waist deep in foolishness, it is so important for the child of God to be true to their convictions. That is, if they are scriptural convictions.

Through David, the Holy Spirit noted that the person that has his faith properly placed will be like "a tree planted by the rivers of water. . ." Trees have roots, but trees also have leaves and fruit. Once the tree is mature, it produces more and more fruit. The Holy Spirit says that you will "bring forth fruit in [your] season. [Your] leaf also shall not wither, and what[soever] you do will prosper."

So, what's the catch? I believe that your roots will only grow in relation to your consecration to the Lord. In other words, are you crucified with Christ? Is your faith exclusively in Christ and what He did on the Cross. Or, is it in your ability to carry out this Christian walk. If one's faith is in his performance-"If I do this, it will make me righteous and God will think more of me"-then, his work is in vain.

If the Christian allows the Holy Spirit to carry out the work in his life, then he will ultimately have victory over his life and he will stay true to his Creator (Philippians 1:6). Please, for your own sake and the sake and the sake of the Church, don't compromise your beliefs for your friends, family, preacher, a popular ministry, or a movement. Stay true.

Rom. 8:2

1 comment:

Jonathan Lapinsky said...

Thank you for taking a stand. Keep going!